Friday, December 7, 2012


For some this may have been a uncomfortable part  I am grateful that I was in Marriage 300 with brother Gardner we talked about this part in class. we talked about how important it is for couples to have healthy intimate lives with each other. One thing we discussed in Marriage 300 was the whole now there were married anything goes style of living. Which  is not the case, we talked about how when it comes to that both spouses must think of each others feelings, also giving respect and dignity to each other. I think  a lot of the worlds views that what ever happens in the bedroom goes! Which I think can be very harmful if they are not thinking about their spouses dignity and respecting them and just aiming to please their  needs and gratification.  In the family 160 class we talked about the stages of arousal in men and women and how they both work physiologically. At the same time sex is important to couples it's how they bond and show love towards each other as well as thats how children are born! ( yes they don't come from storks!)   Sex is also part of our Heavenly Fathers plan because it brings his children to this world in a family! I think that another part which was important to me was that in the world we live in sex is just thrown out their for us all to see and hear when it reality its a very sacred and private thing that should stay between Husband and Wife. The world emphasizes on do it now and gain your satisfaction there are no consequences. On the contrary my dear Watson there is some evidence that says other wise about premarital sex. I have seen how it is important for people to wait until they are married to have such strong intimate bonds with one another. I have also seen how it can bring a lot of unwanted consequences when it happens.

I suppose I should just finish it by saying to those who are married keep your sexual life based respect and dignity for each other. For those who aren't married just wait it will be all the sweeter when you have found that person you want to be with and share that part of your life with.

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