Saturday, October 6, 2012

General Conference!

Low and behold I was not expecting the message that Elder Oaks gave to be so powerful and strike me to my very core! In class we had been talking about families and family interactions. We had also recently talked about birth rates and how they were declining. Elder Oaks gave a shout out that they have been lower then they ever have been in 25 years!!!  It was very shocking to say the least. He then goes on about how important it is to protect the children. I had been having some doubts about the marriage Therapist route and it was very scary for a moment thinking could I really do it is this the thing my Heavenly Father want me to do?  I had really been thinking about that When he  gave a talk about protecting the children.

The thought came to me that this world is not getting any better with family morals. In fact they are decaying values about family and children are disintegrating and  becoming almost like a past view or a very uncool look on our " hip modern society." This is what I needed to hear to strengthen my resolve in becoming a marriage counselor. It shocked me with how great of a talk he gave ( I will post the video when it becomes available for viewing in this post.) I for one am very grateful for Elder Oaks in giving this phenomenal talk which has inspired me to work as hard as I can to help families come closer to Christ. I am grateful for my family and how I was raised ( shout out to my parents and family there)  I know that families can be together forever and if you want to learn how Ask the missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints. This blog is for the sole purpose of helping people to understand how families are from God and how he wants us to live with him again. I know that these things are true and that the Church is true as well. I add my testimony to Elder Oaks on protecting children and the importance it is to have a family. I know that families are gifts to us here on Earth to help us learn to be like him. I also know that Children are gifts from God. We are all literal sons and daughters of God and it truly is a gift for the parents to raise a child in a good and righteous home. I love all of you I know that this is indeed what I need to do with my life to raise the call of how important families and marriage are.

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