Friday, December 7, 2012


When we learned about coping with stress and dealing with problems one of the best class periods I had was when we talked about Counseling with each other. Brother Williams gave a great example of how people always counsel in the church, but more importantly how the Lord has set up why counseling is important. I had always known that counseling with was good, but I never really figured out why. As we talked about it I could see how counseling was a pattern and a communication skill that can help sole so many problems. a example of counseling could be this picture yourself with children (if you have  some then picture yours) but a serious family concern goes up and you  counsel with each other as a family. Now that you have this image in your head why do you think that counseling is better then just telling what will happen and that the end of the story. Counseling is a way to help us feel more  of our spouses insights as well as our Father in Heavens way of looking at things. For me I find that counseling is one of the better ways of  handling things because I think  when we are in the attitude of counseling we are willing and more eager to listen to each other and wanting to solve the problem. For me this is the way I will want to solve problems or when ever things arise and I need to counsel with my future wife I will always try to do it in this method and then counsel with my family to see where they stand on things.

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