Thursday, December 6, 2012

I am married now what?

This lesson was very interesting to me because we used a lot of the family system theory which I highly enjoy looking at, but how does one transition into marriage now from  spending a good portion of your life single?
These are questions that we talked about in the class how on earth do we transition from that? I mean we now have someone we are married to. For myself I  think it will be a little new trying to get used to being married. I don't think that it will take to much time seeing as how I have lived with people for 2 years of my life on the mission. I think the mission gives you a taste of that in a lot of ways being with someone and seeing how they  do  things it prepares you a lot for marriage and how you want your relationship between you and your spouse to be. We talked about in class how it needs to be right then and there when Husband and Wife are married that they need to start deciding the roles that each will have with one another.  Another big thing we talked about which I stated previously in the other blog was planning your wedding. We talked about how yes wedding are important, but is it necessary for every wedding to be expensive? A lot of families go into debt I found out already because of the big wedding! Now myself I don't know what kind of wedding I and my future wife will want to have,but I know it won't be a expensive wedding ( that doesn't mean I don't want it to be nice! It just means that  it will be simple and nice)

Another big thing that we discussed in class was the honeymoon which is another important part of transitioning. I would have to agree with what was said in class that I think the world puts to much of a emphasis on a exotic place to go and the sex! We talked about how this is a crucial time and it is important  for physical intimacy,however, this can also be the time where you can spend quality time still getting to know your spouse ( yes even if you are just married you can still learn more things about one another) I would have to agree that spending that quality time with your spouse could be the best honeymoon!  

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